By the meter
Different outer and inner diameter. The diameter ext. 3mm. – 2mm. is used for the inside of the thermal break groove, the others are used on bowden printers as a filament guide (from the motor to the extruder), connected by the pneufits.
Adapted: For filament 2.85mm.
Ext. diameter : 3 and 4mm.
Diameter int. : 2 and 3mm.
Temperature resistance: -150 +250°C
Density : 2.10 – 2.30gr./am3
Elasticity: 18Mpa
Rupture at elongation: 230%
Color: White
Adapted: For filament 1.75mm.
Ext. diameter : 4mm.
Diameter int. : 1.90mm.
Temperature resistance: -180 +270°C
Density : 2.10 – 2.30gr./am3
Elasticity: 18Mpa
Rupture at elongation: 230%
Color: Blue
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